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75 days.

Nicaragua is now 75 days into this sociopolitical crisis. 75 days and yet we still don't hear much about it, well really none of it, here in the U.S. I, with the rest of the world, think yes, the talk of immigration is important, and praise God the 12 boys have been found alive in Thailand, but 280+ deaths including children at the hands of government, that is important too. It is important for the world to know, to see and to pray!

#SOSNicaragua, A Cry for Help. by Valeria Arana Everett

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has launched its Special Monitoring Mechanism for Nicaragua (MESENI). MESENI is also expected to monitor compliance with precautionary measuresgranted in this context, in favor of people whose life or physical integrity is in serious danger, and to keep monitoring the human rights situation in keeping with the IACHR’s mandate. With that aim in mind, the Mechanism will hold talks and working meetings with civil society, the State and other relevant actors.

On June 28, the Messeni team could not enter El Chipotle (the holding prison of detainees) "because they were solving administrative problems," according to the authorities.

At least 19 people were arrested on Saturday in Sébaco, Matagalpa, by paramilitaries and police, who on Sunday moved them to the cells of the Directorate of Judicial Assistance (DAJ) of the National Police, better known as "El Chipote", according to priests from different parishes of that municipality that arrived as mediators.

There was a decree approved this Friday that allows the entry to Nicaragua of foreign equipment, ships and aircraft, so that they can carry out military maneuvers and humanitarian missions in conjunction with members of the Nicaraguan Army. Among the military groups named to enter the country include troops from Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, Taiwan, the United States, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic. Apparently this is a 'normal' procedure and something that gets voted on regularly; however the timing has lots of people talking.

Presidents gathered in Santo Domingo at the summit of the Central American Integration System (SICA) on Saturday as they called for an end to violence in Nicaragua as well.

The UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, Kate Gilmore, and the Head of the Americas, Europe and Central Asia branch of the UN, José María Aranaz, on Friday made their interventions during the presentation of the final report of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR). "Our task at this moment is to define how we can contribute to a process that helps the two fundamental challenges facing Nicaraguan society: first, truth and justice towards the victims, towards the families, and second, contribute to a process of dialogue that will only be credible if it is accompanied by the previous phase of justice and truth,” said Aranaz. Sunday they returned to Nicaragua to set up the International Expert Group (GIEI). The group of experts will begin its work on Monday to investigate the acts of violence, so that those responsible are sanctioned, in addition, support a plan of care for victims.

Along with the deaths, fear, and terror there is invasion of personal property. The invasion of valuable private property has intensified now with armed groups in Chinandega, León, Matagalpa, Estelí and Managua. Nicaragua is now, after these months basically a lawless country, and so when crime happens, nobody believes in the police anymore, it's scary to file a complaint because you do not know if it could leave you in detention.

Saturday 30 June was “Marcha de Las Flores” paying tribute to those who have lost their lives, but specifically to the more than 20 adolescent lives lost. There have been reported 2 deaths and several injured from this weekends march. There also was reported to be over 90 cities worldwide protesting in solidarity with Nicaragua. The 23-year old who was killed Saturday was a street vendor, this is what his father was quoted as saying, "“This is something incredibly difficult,” said Luis Ortiz, the man’s elderly father, who fought alongside the president decades ago when Ortega was a Sandinista rebel commander. “I never imagined that my son would die in the hands of someone with whom I fought so hard. I gave my sweat and my blood … I am an injured vet, too.“I am still a Sandinista,” he added, “but not with Daniel,” referring to the president."

The CPDH (Permanent Commission of Human Rights) counted at least 50 new people illegally detained this weekend from Managua, Tipitapa, Sebago, and Jinotega for participating in civic marches and lockdowns against the government. In this count are adolescents and pregnant women.

Business closings have left 200,000 people jobless, and unless the crisis ends soon, some 1.3 million of Nicaragua’s 6.2 million people “risk falling into poverty,” according to a study by the Nicaraguan Foundation for Economic and Social Development (Funds). Tour operators are reporting cancellation rates of more than 90 percent, said Claudia Aguirre, president of the Nicaraguan Association for Incoming Tourism. While the sector had been expecting revenues of $924 million, it instead faces losses of $231 million, the central bank said.

According to the Nicaraguan Chamber of Tourism, at least 700 of the 2,000 bars and restaurants it counts as members have had to close their doors, along with 400 small hotels. Some 60,000 workers have lost their jobs.

*LaPrensa, 100% Noticias, Today Nicaragua

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