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I have probably started this blog entry dozens of times and cleared the screen only to start again. Words seem to fail on how to properly catch up our faithful supporters and those interested in our journey. Though I find comfort and energy in writing I must admit the last year and a half I have struggled to use this passion.

Instead of playing back the time lost, allow me the freedom to start fresh and begin with today.

Today our family finds ourselves back in the U.S. Today our family trusts in the sovereign God and rest in His plan and not ours. Although the uncertainties of our tomorrows seem blinding we choose to surrender and live in His grace of today.

If you haven't been receiving our email updates and haven't seen any news, Nicaragua is experiencing, well 'civil unrest,' at this point is just too shallow of a description for it. At the risk of being repetitive, if you are interested you can read more detailed updates here. The basics to know is that this uprising came suddenly and unexpectedly to the country. What started on April 18, has now resulted in two months of protesting, deaths, loss of jobs, millions lost economically, and a looming uncertainty, mistrust, and deep despair over the people of Nicaragua. Our hearts are breaking at the loss of peace and trust our friends and family are experiencing amidst this crisis. What the country has taken years to build up is now crumbling so quickly.

To be honest, we still find ourselves in a state of shock and disbelief. What we thought would be a quick trip to the States for the kids and I while stuff sorted out in the country has turned into Alvaro joining us and now a watching and waiting game. It's in this waiting most days we feel so helpless. To watch events unfold online and yet be here while the world seemingly moves forward unaware is at times difficult to process.

Let me step away for a moment from the writing of today and quickly give you an overview of our lives in Nicaragua over the past year and half. God has been faithful and even in our lack He has proven to be so good and trustworthy. Over and over we are reminded of His word in the Proverbs that we may make our plans, but it is truly Him that directs our steps. The key is to remain open and moldable to what He wants to do instead of hold tight to our own agendas. Easier said than done. This should be another blog for another time.

Over the last year we have begun renting a space in Central Esteli, Nicaragua where we hold Fusion, our church plant. There remains such a need in Nicaragua for Gospel-centered churches where the hope and love of Christ is shared and His grace is experienced. We also have become overwhelmingly aware of the opportunity to reach university students in our city saturated with a young generation. We have been blessed to see people discipled, baptized and empowered to live out their potentials. What started as just gathering some young adults in our home in November of 2016 has turned into the beginning of something great. We are excited and humbled to be a part of whatever God is doing in Nicaragua, specifically in our city of Esteli.

And yet that brings me back to today. Today in the midst of this uncertainty we find ourselves in transition again. Instead of trying to find the words myself I'd love to quote one of my favorite daily readings from "Smith, Scotty. Everyday Prayers: 365 Days to a Gospel-Centered Faith."

"Jesus, it’s the assurance of your unfailing love that enables us to trust you with the transitions we go through in life and the uncertainties about the future. Change is never easy. Change makes us feel vulnerable, fearful, and insecure. We get tempted, once again, to be our own savior. Spare us that misery, Jesus; spare us and those we love. Don’t let us go there, even for a moment. May your Word dwell in us richly, your peace rule in us powerfully, and your glory be our main passion and delight. We’ve entrusted our lives to you, Jesus, because you alone are trustworthy. We’ve given you our sins, wounds, brokenness, and weakness. Now, in fresh surrender, we give you our planning for the next season of our lives. Show us the way we should go through our transitions—transitions of age and stage, career and calling, health and finances, relationships and ministries. Write stories of redemption beyond our wildest dreams and hopes. It’s all about you, Jesus—not us, you. We’re not so arrogant as to expect all the details. Just take us by the hand and lead the way. Shepherd us, Jesus. Open doors we cannot shut and shut doors we cannot open. All we need to know is that you love us and that you’re with us. You’ve promised us both, and you do not lie."

It is in this transition that we are praying for wisdom as to our next steps. Please be praying with us that while here we can bring more awareness to the beautiful country of Nicaragua, find more partnerships in our mission, and make the most productive use of our time here.

If you would love to hear more about our ministry in Nicaragua we'd love to hear from you. Also, we welcome people just to say hello or send love and encouragement. You can subscribe here to receive monthly updates by email. Please continue to pray for Nicaragua and the beautiful people there. If you need ways you can specifically be praying you can visit our prayer page.

Thank you to all who have faithfully supported and loved us in this journey. We truly cannot do it without you!

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