WE ARE MOVING TO NICARAGUA and Bella is shouting it from the rooftops! We are beginning to explain to our 3 year old, Bella that we will soon be packing and moving. She is mostly concerned that she can get a dog in Nicaragua and that is about the extent of it! Oh the PURE joy, innocence and care-free world of a child.
And this begins our transition! Nearly 3 years after first sharing with family and friends what we feel God placed on our hearts the time is actually here! I'll be honest the journey and road to even be where we are now has been crazy, yet through it all we have seen that God's timing and His plan is perfect. We may be ambitious or even anticipate what path will lead us to the destination we feel called to, but ultimately He knows what is best and we are so humbled and grateful that He has led us and continues to steer our course. We would want it no other way as to do this in any attempt on our own would be failure. He is faithful! We are so grateful for the people who have encouraged, supported and believed in Alvaro and I and this vision to take the Gospel to every man, woman and child in Nicaragua and Latin America.
Let me share some simple answers to questions those have asked us about our mission and journey.
Many have asked what exactly it is we are doing. When it comes to 'foreign' missions it's easy to communicate that you are going to plant a church and leave it at that. This isn't exactly our answer. We feel called to ENVISION | EQUIP | EMPOWER. We feel that communities are in desperate need of leaders who will create a disciple-making culture. Making disciples who make disciples is the aim, and churches being planted out of the harvest is the result. It's about meeting people where they are at and presenting the freedom and family found at the table Jesus prepared. It's about slowing down to form relationships and build community with those in need of His grace and love. It's about equipping leaders with tools and training aimed at Gospel saturation. It's about empowering leaders with resources and accountability so that there is support and a community to journey with.
So really what does that practically look like for us in Nicaragua? Alvaro has done several trips in the last months and has formed connections in several cities around the country of Nicaragua and so the mission has already begun. It means leading one-day workshops, training and mentoring. It means opening up our home to those in the community we find ourselves in and living out what we teach, slowing down to form relationships with those in need of Christ.
If you want to read further about the vision and mission we believe in you can take a look HERE or check out this WEBSITE.
I could list statistic after statistic of why Nicaragua, but let me say this: it is a privilege and honor for Alvaro to return to his home country to share the life and hope found in Jesus. There are so many in the region hungry for the truth of grace and scandalous love that Jesus offers. In a culture all too familiar with prosperity doctrine and earned salvation beliefs the need is great to begin life-giving communities that are able to slow-down and rest in Him.

Nicaragua to begin with as we dream of what God may do in the Latin America region as a whole. Specifically we will be moving to the central city of Esteli, although there will be travel throughout the country as we aim to disciple and train leaders all over the country.
This map shows, on the left, where Nicaragua is located in Central America, and on the right, where we already have formed relationships and connections with pastors and leaders who desire to see this same movement.
Nicaragua is slightly larger than New York State and is estimated to have around 6.1 million people.
We are quickly approaching the time we need to be out of our current place in SW Florida. By the end of August we should be out and will travel to continue fundraising as well as spend some time with family and friends. If you'd like to meet up or hear more of our mission in person we'd love to share with you. After leaving SW Florida we will be in the Midwest as well as spending some time in Washington. We aim to be moving our family to Nicaragua in October.
This is where YOU come in! We are praying and looking for churches, businesses, families and individuals to partner with us to see this dream and call come to fruition. There is the monthly support that we will need to live in Nicaragua but also the initial funds needed to get us there and settled in. Our monthly budget is around $4,000 and the initial need is about $30,000 which includes a reliable vehicle once there.
We are in need of monthly partners as well as people to give one-time gifts. We are part of a non-profit organization and so all of your donations are tax deductible and it's easy to give using this PAGE. You can click on the one-time donation or monthly donation button as well as set up automatic monthly gifts by providing an EFT form.
This is such a faith and TRUST transition for us as we count on people to come along side of us and join us on what God is doing. We would love you to pray with us and for us as these next several months will be full of change and transition for our family of four. Please bookmark our website and follow our blog to check for ways you can specifically be praying for us HERE. If you would like to get together or chat with Alvaro or myself about this mission, our move or how you can be a part we'd love to hear from you. You can email us at gomezonmission@gmail.com or call at 715-252-8793.